Education & Interpretation

Did your unit to a Mission Study? Did any members of your unit attend a District and/or Conference Mission U event?


It’s important to let us know who your officers are and to get them connected to all the channels of communication!

Social Action

In other words, how did your unit actually put love into action?

Who are your people?

We want to make sure all women from the officers to the women in every pew have access to the resources available.

This is important to keep the roles accurate and to honor those who passed in our hearts and through prayer.

Candle Burning

This service is used to recognize both in memory or in honor, women you love and/or miss. Any money sent to the district for Candle Burning goes to your annual pledged commitment.


These beautiful pins can be given to recognize both men and women who have given so much in service to your church and community. As with Candle Burning, your total amount used to purchase pins, is applied toward your annual pledged commitment amount.

Your Money Report!

This is a great way to look back at where you spent your money and improve and re-define for the coming year!

Member Recognition

Do you have a member who did all the things herself? Recognize her here!

Unit Recognition

If your local unit did all the things, let us recognize you at the annual meeting to help celebrate and encourage others to work together for the Glory of God!

Together our connection allows us to serve as His hands and feet at home and around the world!

Check out our new social media pages!

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